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How to filter events in your "Upcoming" tab
How to filter events in your "Upcoming" tab
Adam Kirk avatar
Written by Adam Kirk
Updated over 2 months ago

Event filter overview

It's important to connect your calendar to Jump so that Jump knows which Zoom / Google Meet / Microsoft Teams meetings to send notetakers to, and so it can automatically generate pre-meeting prep for the clients attending that meeting. We discuss this in more detail here.

However, sometimes this pulls in too many events, including internal ones that you don't want to record, cluttering up your Upcoming tab as in the screenshot below:

To fix this, you can go here (User Settings -> Preferences) and add one or more event filters:

Filtering based on event title

You can filter in events based on title, or filter out events based on title.

To filter in only those events that include certain titles, add an event title filter, select "Contains" in the middle box, and then type in the title you want to include.

In the example below, we're adding an event filter that pulls in all events that have the phrase "client meeting" somewhere in the title:

Once we click on the "Add client meeting" option that appeared in the dropdown, we'll see the following:

If we also wanted to pull in events with "annual review" in the name, we could then click inside the box once more, and type "annual review" and select "Add annual review." We'd see the following:

This will pull in "client meeting" events and "annual review" events. (The filter is not case sensitive.)

What we don't want to do is add a separate line with another event title, because Jump requires events to match all of the filters, so if we had this, for example, we'd only pull in events with both "client meeting" and "annual review" in the title, and there probably aren't many events like that!

You can also filter out events based on title by switching the "Contains" in the center box to "Does not contain."

Filtering based on event organizer

Another option is to include only events where you are the organizer, or events where you are not the organizer, as shown below:

Filtering based on conference provider

Another option is to include only events where the conference provider is, or is not, Zoom, Google, or Microsoft.

To include events for a particular conference provider (or set of conference providers), use the "Conference provider" option on the left, as shown below:

To exclude events for a particular conference provider (or set of conference providers), use the "Conference provider is not" option:

Filtering based on event type

Each calendar system has its own way of determining the event type. Follow the instructions for your specific calendar below.

Redtail: If you're a Redtail user, you might want to only include or exclude specific event types ("Appointment," "Phone call," etc.). Select the "Event type" filter, chose "Is exactly," "Does not contain," etc. (depending on your goal), and add the relevant event types.

If the following were our sole event filter, we'd only pull in events that have the Redtail event type of "Appointment." Nothing else.

Google: If you're a Google calendar user, the event type is described by the color of the calendar. When using the filter in Jump, simply type the hex color code for the calendar you wish to add to the filter. ("#abcdef").

Here is how to find the hex color code of your different calendars.

First, find "My Calendars" listed on the left hand side. Then, click on the vertical three dots listed next to the desired calendar.

Next, click the + button found at the bottom of the color options. "Add custom color" will appear.

Lastly, you will see the hex color code listed. Copy this code into the Jump filters as the event type.

Outlook (and Exchange): If you're a a Microsoft calendar user, the default event type is described by the color name. ("Green"). However, these category names can be changed in Outlook/Exchange. As long as the category names in Jump match those in your calendar, the filters will work as expected.

Here is how to find the color categories in Outlook/Exchange.

Right clicking on your event will bring up a menu. Find Categorize > then you can select a color category. Using the color name (ex: "Green") in the Jump event filters will filter your events accordingly. Using this method will require you to categorize your events going forward. Otherwise, Jump will not be able to filter your calendar events properly.

If you'd like to filter on more event attributes, let us know!

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